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marriage bed 1.婚床。2.房事。

marriage broker

Meanwhile , the marriage bed with its bright red curtains evokes the physical act of love which , according to christian doctrine , is an essential part of the perfect union of man and wife 兩人身后,大紅色的垂簾的婚床使人聯想起“愛的肉體行為” ,根據基督教義,這樣的行為是夫妻完美結合的要素。

He urged me , stating that he felt it his mission in life to urge me , to defile the marriage bed , to commit adultery at the earliest possible opportunity 他慫恿我還說他感到慫恿我乃是他一生的使命盡早抓個機會玷污婚姻之床,犯淫亂之罪。